Our writers have concealed 10 new plays around the Royal Court. All you have to do is find them. Pick up some headphones and start seeking.
Lost in Theatre will include five minute plays by Alex Bulmer, Leo Butler, E.V. Crowe, Clint Dyer, Amber Hsu, Archie Maddocks, Abi Morgan, Nessah Muthy, Luke Norris and Penelope Skinner.
Daily. Free, with a small deposit for headsets available from the Box Office during Box Office opening hours or free to download as a podcast.
Not Bookable in advance.
"FREE DOWNLOAD - click here to download all ten of the tracks on itunes": itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-royal-court-theatre/id495581050#
Access only performance Sat 1.30pm-2.30pm – please inform box office if you have any access needs.
“I was interested in the idea of public solitude, how people are able to find a personal haven in the public world, whether that's achieved through listening to music on your headphones or being in your car.
“When we talk to others, we miss so much of what they are saying through body language and inflection because our primary focus is on the words they use, so I wanted to put a dialogue in people's heads and allow them to explore the building to explore the conversations that are really taking place that we don't allow ourselves to listen to.†Archie Maddocks, Playwright
Age Guidance: Back of House Experience 18+. Front of House Experience 16+
Access Sessions: Sats 1.30pm-2.30pm - contact boxoffice@royalcourttheatre.com
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