FOR THE ROYAL COURT: Jumpy (& West End), Road, Thyestes, Live Like Pigs, Our Late Night, At the Table,
Almost Nothing, O Go My Man, Flying Blind, Sacred Heart, Trade, Bluebird.
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: Beautiful Burnout, In Time O’Strife (National Theatre of Scotland); Dunsinane
(RSC); A Month in the Country, Don Juan, Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance, Major Barbara, In the Blue, As I Lay
Dying, Racing Demon, Playing with Fire, The Garden of England, Murderers, The Pillowman (National); Torquato
Tasso, When We Were Women (NT Studio); The Duchess of Malfi (Old Vic); Much Ado About Nothing
(Globe); The Orphan’s Comedy, Lucy’s Play, Green Field (Traverse).
OPERA INCLUDES: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Scottish Opera).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: River City, The Somme, Only Fools & Horses, Walter’s War, Mackenzie, The
Camerons, Looking After Jo Jo, Down Among the Big Boys, Malice Aforethought, The Key, POW, The
Professionals, The Bill, Little Bird, Witchcraze, Rain on the Roof, Shadows on our Skin, A Mug’s Game, Paradise
Postponed, Rebus, Taggart, The Advocates, Real Men.
FILM INCLUDES: Titanic, The Cook, the Thief, his Wife & her Lover, Rob Roy, Conspiracy, Valhalla Rising, The
Big Brass Ring, The Last Great Wilderness, Ill Fares the Land, Flight to Berlin, Stella Does Tricks.