THEATRE INCLUDES: Canterbury Tales (North Broadsides tour);A Couple of Poor Polish Speaking
Romanians (Soho);OnceWeWere Mothers, Strange Orchestra, Mother Courage (Orange Tree);A
NewWay to Please You, Sejanus, Speaking Like Magpies, Cymbeline, Measure for Measure (RSC);
Bites (Bush);Who’s Afraid of VirginiaWoolf? (Manchester Library);Antony and Cleopatra (New
York/Stratford); Romeo and Juliet (Poland);A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Brazil); MerryWives
(India); Richard III (Tower of London/Riverside Studios); Poetry or Bust, Samson Agonistes (Northern
Broadsides);Arabian Nights (Young Vic); Medea (Lilian Baylis); Miriam’s Flowers (Old Red Lion); Les
Miserables (Nottingham Playhouse);Turcaret (Gate);Taking Steps (Bristol Old Vic); Red Devils
(Liverpool Playhouse);One for the Road (Tour); Educating Rita (Oxford Playhouse & Tour).
TELEVISION INCLUDES:True Dare Kiss, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks in the City, Little Howard,At Home
with the Braithwaites, Holby City III, Coronation Street, Burnside, Love Hurts, EastEnders, Story
Teller, Bread, Much Ado About Nothing, 1001 Nights.
FILM INCLUDES: King David,Anno Domini,The Awakening, Jesus of Nazareth.