Debates & Discussions

There’s a lot to discuss

Sometimes, there’s nothing like coming together with peers in one place to hammer out the big issues.

From the knottiest challenges facing writers today, to how we navigate genuinely difficult and complicated topics, support one another through good times and bad, and protect the values of new writing and free expression in a changing world…

Throughout the year, the Royal Court – and occasionally invited partners – will host discussions and debates exclusively for Writers’ Card Members. All hosted in person, and subject to the Chatham House Rule as well as our Code of Conduct, we want to make genuine space for us to come together and share dissenting, uncertain and difficult ideas.

It’s an invitation is underpinned by the best artistic values and tradition of the Royal Court, asking us all to engage in an act of good faith and trust in our fellow-playwrights.

Upcoming Events

Debate and Discussion dates and times will be announced very soon. Sign-up for a Writers’ Card Membership to be the first to hear when these events become available, via our exclusive newsletter.