Code of Conduct

July 2024

Welcome to the Royal Court

The Royal Court is the writers’ theatre. We are the leading national and international force for championing, cultivating and supporting theatre writers.

Year-round, we make and present work across our two theatre spaces in Sloane Square and beyond, and deliver local, national and international projects. Our work aims to pioneer the theatrical form, explore big ideas, empower new voices – and in doing so enrich and enliven audiences and communities through transformative experiences.

What the Code of Conduct is for

This short document is intended for staff, freelancers, audiences, participants, supporters, independent companies and wider stakeholders. It sets out the fundamental principles for how we work together: guidelines and expectations against which we can all be held accountable, and take action if things go wrong.

Our Code of Conduct reflects our legal duties, as well as our values and ethics – including anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice. We want the Royal Court to be a place that everyone can enjoy coming to: a great place to work, to make and experience theatre, and where everyone is welcomed and free from discrimination.

Why this matters

The Royal Court’s mission actively embraces diversity, dissent, risk and ambition. We work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives, often tackling difficult and emotional subjects. The spaces in which we work are also broad – including administration, rehearsals, technical work, parties, frontline customer service, community contexts, and more. Work often takes place outside traditional working hours, sometimes under high pressure.

All these factors mean that we need clear commitments and expectations for our conduct, with systems in place to protect one another. All our behaviour – individual and collective – is critical to succeeding in our mission.

All individuals involved in Royal Court activities, including when acting as a Royal Court representative outside of work, are expected to:

• Take a zero-tolerance approach to racism, discrimination, bullying, verbal or physical abuse, or sexual harassment – in both their own behaviour and in speaking up and supporting others when such behaviour occurs.

• Explicitly address and seek to prevent racism and all other forms of discrimination and bias, their manifestations and effects.

• Be respectful and courteous: treating everyone with dignity and making time to hear the viewpoints of others equally.

• Be fair, discreet, considerate and honest: acting in good faith, and making decisions impartially without discrimination or bias.

• Be inclusive: acknowledging and reflecting on our individual positions and taking active steps to address inequalities and barriers affecting others.

• Be accountable: taking responsibility for their own behaviours and not withholding information without clear reason.

• Act with integrity: making decisions in the interests and values of the organisation and never exploiting positions of power for personal gain.

The Royal Court’s leadership commits to:

• Take accountability for upholding this Code of Conduct: modelling best practice in our own behaviours and setting consistent and high expectations for our working culture among all staff and stakeholders.

• Take all concerns seriously, maintaining a clear process to resolve issues quickly and effectively, and supporting anyone to raise complaints and challenge behaviours without fear of future consequence.

• Maintain live Equality & Diversity Policies, Grievance Procedures and other relevant policies, ensuring all permanent staff receive regular induction and training to deepen, embed and continually renew this learning.

What to do when things go wrong:

• If you’re comfortable, always first consider speaking directly to those involved to seek mutual resolution and understanding.

• Otherwise, you can report issues directly to your line manager, company manager, producer or other lead contact, who can discuss the next steps.

• If you’d like to make a formal complaint outside of this structure, you can read our full Reporting Policy, with pathways to report directly to the Executive Team or to our Board of Trustees, including anonymously.