THEATRE INCLUDES: Every Good Boy Deserves Favour,The HourWe Knew Nothing Of Each
Other, Bourgeois Gentilhomme (National); Hit Me (West End);A Christmas Carol (Rose, Kingston);
The Changeling (ETT);The Taming of the Shrew (Wilton’s Music Hall); Son of Man (Northern Stage);
Tartuffe (Watermill, Newbury/tour); Julius Caesar, Henry V,As You Like It, Romeo & Juliet,The
Tempest, Measure for Measure, Roberto Zucco, Macbeth,TheWhite Devil,Troilus & Cressida; (RSC);
Mary Stuart (Nuffield, Southampton); Madame Bovary (Shared Experience); Great Expectations
(Bristol Old Vic); Macbeth (West End); Love’s Labour’s Lost (Regents Park); Hamlet (The Other
Place); Bats (Manchester Royal Exchange); Black Comedy/The Public Eye (Palace Theatre,Watford);
The DumbWaiter (Ensemble Theatre,Vienna);The Caretaker (White Bear); Eva Peron,TheWalls
(The Room, Richmond);Wits End (New End Theatre);The House of Bernarda Alba,The Knickers
(Lyric Hammersmith); Judgement (Café Theatre Club);The Clouds (Shaw Theatre/US tour); 1913
(Man in the Moon).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: DoctorWho, Silk,Aurelio Zen, New Tricks, Coming Up, Being Human,
Going Postal,The Bill,Ashes to Ashes,The Devil’sWhore, IT Crowd, SilentWitness, Suburban
Shootout, Judge John Deed, Fields of Gold, Surrealissmo, My Family, Kidnapped, Bugs, Blood and Fire,
Berlin Break, Prime Suspect,Wide Eyed and Legless, Sam Saturday.
FILM INCLUDES: Brighton Rock,Wild Target, Bright Star, Good,The Ten Commandments, RKO 281,
Requiem Apache, Christie.