Aleksandar Mikic
For the Royal Court: Truth & Reconciliation.
Theatre includes: Suddenly Last Summer, Cherry Orchard (Citizens); Guilt (7:84 Theatre Company); Cruel & Tender (Young Vic); King Lear, The Government Inspector, 5/11 (Chichester); Petrol Jesus Nightmare no.5 (Traverse); The Reporter (National).
Television includes: Doctor Who, Spooks, Messiah, Prime Suspect, The Comic Strip Presents, Hope Springs, EastEnders, Not Going Out, Last Detective, Blue Murder, Hotel Babylon, Belle De Jour, Gunrush, The Fixer, Trial and Retribution, Prisoners Wives, Lucan, The Gates.
Film includes: Extraordinary Rendition, Eastern Promises, It’s a Free World, The Sweeney, Red 2, Tarzan, Black Forrest.