THEATRE INCLUDES: Design for Living (Old Vic); Cat in the Hat, Mrs Affleck,War Horse, St Joan,
The Seagull, Mesure for Measure,A Dream Play, Stuff Happens,Three Sisters, Chips with Everything,
Mother Courage (National);The Tragedy of Thomas Hobbes,The Merchant of Venice,Talk of the City,
Hamlet,The Theban Plays, Henry IV Parts I & 2,Twelfth Night (RSC); Measure for Measure
(Complicite);Twelfth Night (Shakespeare’s Globe);Three Sisters (Chichester Festival Theatre);The
Importance of Being Earnest (Nottingham Playhouse);A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Almeida);
A Mongrel’s Heart, Private Lives (Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh); Salome (European tour);Too Clever by
Half, Uncle Vanya (Moscow Arts Theatre School).
TELEVISION INCLUDES:The Sarah Jane Adventures,Above Suspicion,The Shooting of Thomas
Hurndall,Waking the Dead, Hotel Babylon,The Last Duel, Casanova,Winter Solstice,Wire in the
Blood, Boudica, Cambridge Spies,The Way We Live Now,The Vice,Whistleblower,Attachments,
Brilliant, Dalziel & Pascoe,The Painted Lady, Duck Patrol, Soldier Soldier, Pie in the Sky, Crocodile
Shoes,The Bill, Between the Lines.
FILM INCLUDES:The Iron Lady,The Bank Job, Kingdom of Heaven, Nicholas Nickleby, Dr Sleep,
Charlotte Gray, Labyrinth,Affair of the Necklace, Bridget Jones’s Diary,The Lover’s Prayer, RKO 281,
Jilting Joe, Cutthroat Island, First Knight, Frankenstein.
RADIO INCLUDES:The Secret Pilgrim, Plenty, Precious.