Bárbara Esmenia Rãé
Bárbara Esmenia (São Paulo/Brazil, 1984) is a playwright and poet. She published the poetry books {Penetra-Fresta} (2016) and Tribadismo : mas não só – 13 poemas a la fancha + 17 gritos de Abya Yala (2018), both by padê editorial and { knife is root } (2021 ), by Editora Primata. She participates as a poet and short story writer in some collections, including: Non-monogamy LGBT+ (Apeku, 2020), The resistance of fireflies – a Brazilian anthology written by LGBTQ’s (Nós, 2019) and Antes que eu me forget – 50 lesbian and bisexual authors today (Quintal Editions, 2021). Black horses are massive, her first dramaturgy, was selected for the Dramaturgy Award in Small Scenic Formats at CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo (2021). She’s a joker of Theater of the Oppressed since 2012, integrating the Magdalenas International Network, RELATO – Latin American Theater of the Oppressed Network and the Rede Sem Fronteiras de TO.