Hala Omran

Theatre includes: I Medea, In The Eruptive Mode, UR (SABAB, Kuwait/International tours); 72 Virgins, UR 2, X Adra, Oh You, Whom I Love, The Juste, Romeo & Juliet, Andromache (International tours); The Poem, Land of the Arab Language 1, 2 & 3 (Odéon Théâtre de l’Europe); A Streetcar Named Desire (Syrian National Theatre); The Seagull (Damascus).

Dance includes: As Told By My Mother, Night, May He Rise & Smell The Fragrance (Zukak, Beirut/International tours).

Opera includes: Kalila & Dimna (Aix-en-Provence Festival).

Film includes: Romeo & Juliet, Dreamy Vision, Under the Ceiling, The Gate to the Sun, The Box of Life.

Awards include: Journées Théatrales de Carthage Best Actress Award (I Medea); Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre Best Actress Award (I Medea).