FOR THE ROYAL COURT: Fire Face, Mouth to Mouth (Albery).
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: King Lear (Almeida); Definitely the Bahamas (Orange Tree); Company,
Racing Demon (Crucible, Sheffield); Precious Little Talent (Trafalgar Studios); Lingua Franca
(Finborough/59E59);The Power of Yes, Henry IV Parts I & II, His Dark Materials, Stuff Happens
(National);The Sound of Music (Palladium);The Crucible (& Gielgud),The Taming of the Shrew (&
Queen’s/Kennedy Center),Titus Andronicus,The Merchant of Venice (& international tour), Richard III,
Privates on Parade (&Picadilly), Henry VI,As You Like It (RSC); Serious Money, Divine Right (Birmingham
Rep);A Passage to India,Anna Karenina, Heartbreak House (Shared Experience);Three Sisters
(Chichester Festival); Richard II, Pal Joey (Bristol Old Vic);
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Martin Yesterday (Royal Exchange, Manchester); Front Page, Good (Donmar); Marvin’s Room (Comedy);
Mrs Warren’s Profession (Lyric, Hammersmith); Poor Super Man (& Traverse),Apocalyptica (Hampstead).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: Game of Thrones, Mr Selfridge, Endeavor, Psychoville,Torchwood, Silent
Witness, Robin Hood, Fallen Angel,The Commander, Poirot,The Day Today,Absolutely Fabulous,
Kavanagh QC, Blackeyes.
FILM INCLUDES: Pope Joan,The Emissary, Jinnah, King Ralph, Little Dorritt,The Fool.