Ian Taylor

Theatre includes: Fiddler on the Roof (Regents Park Open Air); A Chorus of Disapproval (Salisbury Playhouse); Kim’s Convenience, The Marilyn Conspiracy (Park); The Hypochondriac, Accidental Death of an Anarchist (Sheffield); The Way Old Friends Do, Tartuffe (Birmingham Rep); Here, The Funeral Director, Trestle, Orca, After Independence, Tom Cat (Papatango); A Single Man, Sweet Science of Bruising, Rasheda Speaking, Dear Brutus (Troupe Theatre Company).  

Opera Includes: Albert Herring (Royal Academy of Music); Pandora’s Box, Ever Young, Shadowtracks, The Cutlass Crew, Eliza & the Swans, Deep Waters, The Fizz (London Youth Opera/ W11); The Power of Paternal Love, Raising Icarus, L’Agrippina (Barber Opera); Goulio Cesare, Cosi Fan Tutte (Bury Court Opera); Oedipus Rex and L’Enfant et Les Sortilèges (The Philharmonia Orchestra).