Michelle Fairley
For the Royal Court: Remembrance Day, Loyal Women, The Weir (& West End/Broadway).
Other theatre includes: Splendour, Othello, The Wild Duck (Donmar); Huis Clos, Gates of Gold (West End); Dancing at Lughnasa (Old Vic); Scenes From the Big Picture (National); Don Juan (Royal Exchange, Manchester); Greta Garbo Came to Donegal, Factory Girls, The Hostage, Pentecost (Tricycle); Paradise Lost, The Women of Troy, Love, Joyriders (Paines Plough/UK tour); Macbeth (West Yorkshire Playhouse); The Lady From The Sea (Citizens, Glasgow); Dr Faustus, Philadelphia Here I Come (Tron, Glasgow); Leonce & Lena (Crucible, Sheffield).
Television includes: The White Princess, Fortitude, Rebellion, The Lizzie Borden Chronicles, Crossing Lines, Resurrection, 24: Live Another Day, Suits, Common, Coming Up, Game of Thrones, Midsomer Murders, Silent Witness, A Short Stay in Switzerland, Best: A Mother’s Son, Lark Rise to Candleford, Misfits, Taggart, The Street, Trial & Retribution, Bel’s Boy, Strictly Confidential, The Catherine Tate Show, Ahead of the Class, The Golden Hour, Pentecost, The Clinic, In Deep, Rebus, Mccready & Daughter, Births Marriages & Deaths, Vicious Circle, Precious Blood, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling, Safe & Sound.
Film includes: Heart of the Sea, Philomena, Montana, Jack & the Cuckoo, Clock Heart, The Invisible Woman, Chatroom, Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, The Duel, The Others, A Soldier’s Daughter, Never Cries, Hideous Kinky, Hidden Agenda.