FOR THE ROYAL COURT: Last Dance at Dum Dum (West End), East is East (with Tamasha/UK tour).
THEATRE INCLUDES:White Rabbit Red Rabbit (Brighton Festival); Really Old, Like Forty-Five, Hamlet, The
Waiting Room, Richard III, Haroun & the Sea of Stories (National); Timing (King’s Head); The Duchess of Malfi
(Brighton Festival); Twelfth Night (Albery); A Passage to India (Shared Experience); A Tainted Dawn (UK tour);
Toad of Toad Hall, Peter Pan (Birmingham Rep); A Servant of Two Masters (Sheffield Theatres); Seed (Lyric
Hammersmith); Cigarettes & Chocolate, Bye Bye Blues, Selling Out, Tomfoolery (Scarborough); Selling Out
(Old Fire Station); Macbeth (Full Company); Brother Eichmann, Beauty & the Beast (Library); Soldiers, The Big
Heart (Contact).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: Doctor Who Christmas Special, Little Crackers: Shappi Khorsandi, Benidorm, The IT
Crowd, Moving Wallpaper, Casualty, Chopra Town, Trial & Retribution, Green Wing, The Brief, Holby City, Canterbury
Tales, Waking the Dead, Heartbeat, New Voices – The Quiet Life, Emmerdale, Medics, Resnick, Making
Out, Wuthering Heights.
FILM INCLUDES: Tula the Revolt, Jadoo, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Vanity Fair, Three Blind
Mice, See Red, Shadowscan.