Rory Mullarkey
For the Royal Court: This Play [Living Newspaper]; Pity; The Wolf from the Door; Remembrance Day [translation].
Other theatre includes: Wintry Tales (Live, Newcastle); The Cherry Orchard [translation] (Bristol Old Vic/Royal Exchange, Manchester); Saint George & the Dragon (National);
The Oresteia [adaptation] (Globe); Each Slow Dusk (Pentabus/UK tour); Cannibals, Single Sex (Royal Exchange, Manchester); Flood (NYT); The Grandfathers (NT
Connections/Bristol Old Vic/National); On the Threshing Floor (Heat&Light Company/Hampstead).
Libretti include: The Skating Rink (Garsington); Coraline (ROH); The Way Back Home (ENO/Young Vic).
Awards include: Abraham Woursell Prize; Harold Pinter Commission; George Devine Award; James Tait Black Prize for Drama.