THEATRE INCLUDES:The Garden of the Black Martini (Donmar); Stagefright (Warner Bros);A Square
of Sky (The Kosh) Rumblefish (Tour);The Glass Menagerie (Library, Manchester);An Inspector Calls
(West End);A Winter’s Tale,The Lion,The Witch & The Wardrobe (RSC).
TELEVISION & FILM INCLUDES:Anaconda III, USS Indianapolis, Stereo, Intelligent Design on Trial,The
Shooter, Hollyoaks, Survivors,The Contract,The Marksman,The Bill, Dream Team, Red Light Runners,
Wimbledon, Lexx, Submerged, Resident Evil,A History of the Future, Peak Practice, Blonde Bombshell,
Savage Shore, Banana Fish, Postal, Lucky Us.
RADIO INCLUDES:The Age of Innocence, My Lai, Little Women Focus, Life Story, Billy The Kid,
The Grapes of Wrath, Joy Luck Club, Secret Window, Secret Garden, Growing Old Disgracefully,Auto-
Fiction, A Gathering of Old Men,All’s Well That Ends Well, Cake, Red Baron.