Sami Ibrahim
For the Royal Court: Living Newspaper.
Other theatre includes: Metamorphoses (Globe); Wonder Winterland (Oxford School of Drama/Soho); Wind Bit Bitter, Bit Bit Bit Her (VAULT Festival); the Palestinian in the basement is on fire (Pint Sized/Bunker); Iron Dome Fog Dome (First Drafts, Yard); Force of Trump (Theatre N16/The Space/Brockley Jack); Carnivore (Write Now 7 Festival, Brockley Jack).
Awards include: Theatre Uncut Political Playwriting Award.
Sami has been a writer-in-residence at Shakespeare’s Globe and was previously one of the Genesis Almeida New Playwrights. He has been on attachment at the National Theatre Studio and Theatr Clwyd, and a member of the Tamasha Writers Group and Oxford Playhouse Playmaker programme.