THEATRE INCLUDES: One Man,Two Guvnors, Death & the King’s Horseman, Generations
(National/International tour);Twelfth Night (Nottingham Playhouse); Salome (Headlong);The Dilemma
of a Ghost (UK tour); Sizwe Banst is Dead (Stephen Jospeh);The Hoxton Project (The Red Room);
The Fortune Club (Tricycle); Master Harold & the Boys/To Kill a Mocking Bird (Leicester); Mother
Courage (Nottingham Playhouse/UK tour); Off Camera (West Yorkshire Playhouse); Blue Orange
(Duchess);The Amazing Birthday (Polka);The Importance of Being Earnest (Albany); Breaking the Ice
(Pop Up); Inside Out (Theatre Venue);Tickets & Ties (Theatre Royal, Stratford East/UK tour).
TELEVISION INCLUDES: MI High, Little Miss Jocelyn,The Cut, Skins, Little Britain, Hardware,
EastEnders, 40,Trail of Guilt,The Bill,The Many Cinderellas,The Slot, Maths Mysteries, Faith in the
Future, Common As Muck.
FILM INCLUDES:Welcome to the Punch, Life ’n’ Lyrics, Les Oiseaux du Ciel, Future’s Bright.
RADIO INCLUDES: One Upon a Time in Lagos,A Bull Man’s Story, Preserved of God, Evaristo’s
Epitaph,A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch, Homeboys.