Sonia Gregorio
Sonia Gregorio is a playwright, theatre researcher, archivist, philosopher and performance artist. Her work combines biodrama, documentary theatre, activism, political philosophy and working directly with marginalised urban communities and vulnerable people. She is the founder of the Teatro en llamas (Theatre in Flames) theatre research laboratory. She holds a BA in Humanities with a major in Philosophy and the Intensive Acting Diploma from CEDRAM (Centro dramático de Michoacán, the Mechoacán Theatre Centre) and Casa del teatro A.C. (House of Theatre). For seven years she was the coordinator of El Balcón (The Balcony), a community theatre project based in the Central de Abastos de Oaxaca (Oaxaca Market), one of the largest markets in the city, a place where she grew and learned about theatre.
She has been the recipient of a number of national and international grants and awards, including the Fundación para Letras Mexicanas (Mexican Foundation for the Arts) young writers training programme; the FONCA (National Endowment for Culture and Arts) young creators programme 2022-23; the Royal Court/Teatro UNAM (Theatre of the National Autonomous University of Mexico) international playwriting programme, and the Oaxaca PECDA (Programme for the Stimulus of Creation and Artistic Development) 2021-2022. She is currently taking part in a theatre-making residency at the ConArte La Nana Laboratorio Urbano de Arte Comprometido (Urban Laboratory for Engaged Art), and exploring new ways of guiding a process from the point of view of directing with the play Reverdecer: Ensayo escénico a dos voces (Re-Greening: A Theatre Essay in Two Voices), recipient of the Circuito Nacional de Artes Escénicas (National Performing Arts Circuit) grant for independent spaces in 2023.