Terence Keely

TERENCE KEELEY Diarmaid Corcoran

Training: Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Theatre includes: This Is My Family (Sheffield/UK

Tour); 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

(Bruiser/MAC, Belfast); Macbeth (Shakespeare’s

Globe); The Nativity – What the Donkey Saw,

Here I Come! (Lyric, Belfast); The Juggling Man

(Rawlife Theatre Company); The Beauty Queen

of Leenane (Young Vic); Titanic Boys (Grand Opera

House, Belfast); Othello (Irish tour); The Enemy

Within (International Friel Festival); Darren’s Blind

Wife (Off-Broadway).

Television includes: Derry Girls, The Frankenstein

Chronicles and Titanic – Blood and Steel.

Film includes: Fishbowl City, 71, Puckoon and The

Music Room.