Content Warnings for Jews. In Their Own Words.

This show contains flashing lights and haze.

We don’t want to spoil anyone’s experience of a new play at the Royal Court and therefore we avoid giving too much away when promoting the play.

If you would benefit from knowing more about specific content and themes in Jews. In Their Own Words., please read our list below.

Content Warnings for Jews. In Their Own Words.

Explicit references to both overt and covert antisemitism including:

Its historic roots and the development of Jewish stereotypes

How it presents through stereotypes in the media and arts

Antisemitism within politics

Conspiracy theories

Extreme graphic descriptions of physical, verbal and online abuse

Visual representations of antisemitic stereotypes (masks, caricature etc.)

Historic execution and genocide

There are also references to:

Other forms of racism including Anti-Blackness and Islamophobia



Sexual violence

The Holocaust

The murder of children