London Theatre Consortium (LTC) announces latest results of long-term collaborative programme to reduce carbon emissions and improve environmental sustainability across key London theatres.

Published on Wed 1 Feb 2017

London Theatre Consortium (LTC), a collaboration of 14 leading producing theatres in London, which includes the Royal Court, has announced the latest results of its groundbreaking collaborative environmental sustainability programme. These include:

  • On track to meet the Mayor of London’s target of 60% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025
  • Saved an estimated £383,000 in energy bills
  • Reduced carbon emissions by 20%
  • Avoided 1,862 tonnes of CO2

The initiative was set up in 2010 in partnership with arts and environment agency Julie’s Bicycle and is now in its seventh year.

“Our work on this priority, in partnership with Julie’s Bicycle, has really defined how we work as a collective, co-operative group – not competitively, on our own terms and within our own individual scale – but aggregating into some incredibly meaningful actions and innovations.” Lucy Davies, Executive Producer Royal Court Theatre and Chair of LTC


To read the full press release from LTC click here.

To visit their website click here.

For more information about Julie’s Bicycle click here.