London Theatre Consortium releases 14 films and list of 150 plays to support secondary school drama teachers and students

Published on Thu 21 Oct 2021

RinD, a LTC initiative, has created a set of filmed resources to support the study of four plays by writers from the global majority, which were recently added to Pearson Edexcel’s GCSE Drama specification, and has also put together a document containing a list of 150 plays, written by writers from the global majority for teachers, students, young people and theatres.

The films, which are being released to address a lack of confidence and resources that prohibit teachers studying a broader range of plays, include interviews with the playwrights of the newly- added set texts – Bola Agbaje, In-Sook Chappell, Tanika Gupta and Roy Williams – and directors, designers, actors and academics. The content of each interview links to specific criteria in the GCSE exam specification, providing insight into the directing, design and acting processes for each play.

The list of 150 plays is compiled from writers from the global majority, to enable teachers and students to find plays and ensure that students feel represented in the Drama classroom and in the theatre industry. Being able to study and perform characters that look like and reflect the lived experience of students raises self-esteem and aspiration in students. Many students from the global majority leave school without having studied a play or novel that includes a character that is relevant to and representative of who they are. The list will broaden and enrich students, and teachers, experience of Theatre and playwriting.

mezze eade (LTC & CLA Specialist Advisor) and Romana Flello (Chair of the LTC Creative Learning Group), who led the RinD initiative comment;

“We hope that these films will broaden knowledge, increase confidence and enhance the experience of students and teachers studying the plays. Our intention is for teachers and students to be inspired by the artists to embed inclusive and innovative theatre making practices in their own work. Dignity and belonging are at the core of RinD’s work and, through deeper understanding and meaningful representation, we will enable young people to experience this in their classrooms and creative spaces. We really appreciate the time, hard work and resources of all the artists, individuals and organisations that made it possible to create these films.

The list of 150 plays was created with designer Kunmi Ogunsola, to support students, teachers, exam boards, directors, facilitators and lecturers with finding texts that reflect their own culture and/or heritage, and to introduce them to cultures and heritages different to their own. It is essential that all students feel represented and have a better understanding of the global community in which we exist.
We are so proud and pleased to be able to share these resources and look forward to continuing to support teachers, exam boards, young people and practitioners further to work towards a truly inclusive curriculum.”

RinD partnered with LTC theatres Lyric Hammersmith Theatre, Royal Court Theatre and Theatre Royal Stratford East; and National Theatre and TEAfilms to produce the filmed resources. These films support the study and teaching of four plays added to Pearson Edexcel exam board’s GCSE Drama specification; A Doll’s House by Tanika Gupta, Antigone by Roy Williams, Gone Too Far! by Bola Agbaje and The Free9 by In-Sook Chappell.

For the full press release, click here.

For the list of 150 plays compiled from writers from the global majority, click here.

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