Invite us to your work

We’re always up for hearing from writers about the shows they’re making, and collectively the Royal Court team try to see as much as we can from as wide a range of writers as possible.

If you’d like to share an invitation, please email

When emailing, there are a few things we’d encourage you to bear in mind:

  • Please give us as much notice as possible, ideally at least three weeks in advance, and provide as many different dates as possible for when we could attend.
  • Please keep emails relatively brief, focusing on the most important information and ensuring dates, times and venue are clear. Ideally, please include a link to the theatre or company website with the relevant details.
  • We never ask for free tickets, especially where these come at a cost to individual artists, and we have a budget for seeing work. If you do have an allocation of free or company rate industry tickets on offer, you can let us know, otherwise ensure information for booking and/or requesting tickets is as clear as possible.
  • We share invitations across the whole Royal Court staff, to support us seeing as much as possible – and everything gets fed back to the artistic team. If you send an invitation, we’ll assume you’re happy with that – but if you would prefer a limited invitation for specific individuals, do make that clear.
  • Inevitably, we can’t see everything! Please bear in mind that most months we receive around 100 invitations to different performances and events. In general, we will prioritise work most aligned with the Royal Court’s programming and mission, meaning new plays and new playwrights.

If we aren’t able to make it to a show, we’re genuinely sorry and it’s never a reflection of the work or individual artists – just our finite capacity – so please try again in future.

Please also remember you can still send a play through our script submissions portal, all of which are read and responded to.