Phone Locking Service

Struggling with procrastination, doom-scrolling and distractions?

We’re here to help get that draft finished.

Available on request at Box Office for any Writers’ Card Member, we’ve got a set of phone-locking pouches to support writers working in the building without distraction. Because we’ve never met a writer who didn’t need a little help to focus.

You’ve probably seen them at gigs. How it works is, you switch off your phone and seal it in a pouch which can only be opened by our staff when you leave (or finally give in to temptation). You can keep your phone on you at all times, but you can’t access it while you’re trying to get your work done.

Please feel free to give our Box Office number to your next of kin in case of emergencies: 020 7565 5000.

Now get back to that draft.