S8 Ep4: Khawla Ibraheem talks to Susan Wokoma

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Introduction by Susan Wokoma:

Khawla Ibraheem is a playwright, actor and director based in the Majdal Shams in the occupied Golan Heights. She is a regular at many theatres in Palestine, including El Hakawati, the Palestinian National Theatre, the Freedom Theatre and Al Jawal Theatre. Outside of Palestine, she has collaborated with many theatres and institutions, including as a fellow at the McDowell, and as an artist in residence at the Sundance Theatre Lab, where she met long time collaborator, director Oliver Butler. Khawla’s one-woman play A Knock on the Roof, premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2024 to great critical acclaim. It has gone on to have runs in Dublin and New York and opens at the Royal Court Theatre this month. Khawla Ibraheem, welcome to the Playwright’s Podcast.