Your credit card is maxed out, and you hang up the phone on Ross chasing your payments. But Ross is actually Roshan and though the sun is shining for you it’s past midnight in his window-less call centre. With a new accent and invented back story, bright young graduates in India are renamed and rebranded as they work to claw back the cash spent by Americans crippled by debt.
Chennai-based playwright Anupama Chandrasekhar was developed by the Royal Court’s International Department. She attended the International Residency for Young Playwrights on a British Council-Charles Wallace India Trust fellowship in 2000. Her first play Free Outgoing opened at the Royal Court in 2007, transferring Downstairs in 2008 as part of the Upstairs/Downstairs Season.
rv. The plays importance is that it fills a gap in our knowledge – India seen not through sentimental or guilt-ridden colonial eyes, but as it really is
rn. The Guardian’s Michael Billington on Free Outgoing
Age guidance 14+
Produced by the International Department
International Playwrights: A Genesis Foundation Project
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