2008 Olivier Award Winner
Following its run at the Royal Court, Gone Too Far! will be presented at The Albany in Deptford 14 – 16 August and at Hackney Empire 19 – 23 August
When two brothers from different continents go down the street to buy a pint of milk, they lift the lid on a disunited nation where everyone wants to be an individual but no one wants to stand out from the crowd.
Bola Agbaje’s comic, vibrant and perceptive play about identity, history and culture depicts a world where respect is always demanded but rarely freely given.
“Listen to”: www.guardian.co.uk/stage/2008/jul/23/theatre.knifecrime?gusrc=rss&feed=uknews an interview with Bola in The Guardian
rv. It has such energy, humour and sharpness… displays such a feel for street-slang, and deftly unpicks the confused impulses of young adults trying to work out their identity in multicultural Britain.
rn. Financial Times
The Young Writers Festival at the Royal Court is supported by John Lyons Charity, Columbia Foundation and The Foyle Foundation.
Presented by The Royal Court Theatre in association with “ATC.”: www.atc-online.com/
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