Open call submissions

The Royal Court Theatre is to host an evening of scratch performances in the Bar & Kitchen, showcasing a selection of open call submissions for GRIT – a project based on themes of revolution and resistance.

Tue 2 Jun 2015, 7:30pm
Royal Court Theatre Bar & Kitchen

“Something’s got under your skin. It’s niggling away. You need to do something about it. We’re listening…”

GRIT was announced in December 2014 and is an open call to writers of all ages and experiences to submit a play about everyday resistance, revolution and defiance, in response to the work on both Royal Court stages.

As a final celebration of the season of resistance, the Royal Court Theatre will present the work written by their audiences and online community from all over the world, which encapsulates this theme. Covering a variety of forms including theatre, poetry, short film, music and photography, the night will give a platform to the voices creating their own acts of defiance.

Hosted by a compere and performed as a rehearsed reading by members of the Royal Court Theatre front of house team, these performances will be accompanied by an open mic sign up on the night, asking writers and performers to present their scratch work.

The submission deadline for GRIT has been extended until 6pm 15 May. By this date all submissions, including those entries made since 8 December, will be eligible for inclusion on the night.

Join the event on “Facebook”:


Please submit all GRITs to “”

We’ll populate the building with your moments of resistance once the submissions window is closed. So keep your eyes peeled and your spirit strong, ready to pin down tiny acts of defiance.
Submissions will be selected by a group of readers – we won’t be able to display every piece of GRIT but keep an eye out and you may well spot yours. We will also upload all the submissions to “”:


* It can be entirely invented or discovered and reframed.
* The form your submission takes is your choice, but it must fit in the palm of your hand, or its equivalent eg on the screen on your phone, written on your palm, a speaker in your hand or perhaps an image on a postcard. Beyond this, be creative.
* The play must be a play – and by that, we mean it must contain actual or potential drama. How you interpret this is up to you…
* We would respectfully request that you do not put yourself or anyone else in danger as part of this project.


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