
Cryptoparty Top / Details
The Cryptoparty is now fully booked but return tickets on the day are likely. A free event, dedicated to sharing the art of encryption to anyone interested in learning how to install and use tools to help secure their online communications. Fuelled by growing concerns about internet privacy, cryptoparties are popping up all over London and the world. Tickets are Free (but ticketed). The Cryptoparty will be led by "CryptoCLASS":, who aim to introduce easy-to-use programs to your everyday life that you can use to privately communicate online, store documents on a computer or external hard drive and browse anonymously. CryptoCLASS pride themselves on being able to unpack tech-speak and jargon so, even if you have a different expertise, you will be able to leave with knowledge of how to download and use these programs to protect yourself.


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